Monday, September 22, 2008

Treasure Mountain Festival

We went up to the Treasure Mountain Festival in Franklin on Saturday.  Watched the Parade, then went in to mingle among the crowds.  Food smelled good, but we opted not to eat the high calorie high fat foods like battered, deep fried twinkies, rolled in lard and butter then glazed and sprinkled with powered sugar, ................OK, it wasn't that bad, but almost.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


In history today, we were studying about Egypt and mummies.  The activity was to make a mummy...................well here is our mummy.

Have you ever seen a smiling mummy?

Montpelier Field Trip

We had a great time yesterday at the Montpelier Restoration Celebration.  Montpelier was the home of James Madison our 4th President and is located in Orange, VA.  The boys got to be part of the 2,600 students that made up the human flag.  We also got to hear speechs from Chief Justice John Roberts and the Governor of Virginia.  The 2,650 acre grounds are quite beautiful.  

Enoy the photos.

Home school group
Boys holding their placards
Helicopter with the camera man
(AP Photo/ P. Kevin Morley/Richmond Times-Dispatch)
Chief Justice John Roberts

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Camera

I (Rose) have been wanting a new camera for quite some time now.  I wanted to get a SRL but they were just too expensive.  I have been saving some money from my bonus from Matt.  And saw that Costco had a really good deal on Kodak Z1012 IS with a 4 GB card.  

It has a great zoom (12X) with picture mode.  I am going to have to really study up on all the features.  
I can't wait to get out and take some good photos.  

Here are couple of photos from yesterday.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Joshua's 1st Hair Cut



Joshua is quite "the big boy" these days. Loves playing outside and climbing on everything.